Because we escape, we keep missing being right here, being right on the dot. We keep missing the moment we're in. Yet if we can experience the moment we're in, we discover that it is unique, precious, and completely fresh. It never happens twice. One can appreciate and celebrate each moment--there's nothing more sacred. There's nothing more vast or absolute. In fact, there's nothing more!
- Pema Chodron


I was just on rugged and beautiful Whidbey Island, where I mostly stayed on the same dot for almost three days. The weather didn’t change much day to day and neither did the view. I walked up the beach one way and down the beach the other way. I sat still in front of the water. I challenged myself to be right on the dot, to feel the moments I was in at any given time and to make pictures that acknowledged them.

My Blog

right on the dot


Because we escape, we keep missing being right here, being right on the dot. We keep missing the moment we're in. Yet if we can experience the moment we're in, we discover that it is unique, precious, and completely fresh. It never happens twice. One can appreciate and celebrate each moment--there's nothing more sacred. There's nothing more vast or absolute. In fact, there's nothing more!
- Pema Chodron


I was just on rugged and beautiful Whidbey Island, where I mostly stayed on the same dot for almost three days. The weather didn’t change much day to day and neither did the view. I walked up the beach one way and down the beach the other way. I sat still in front of the water. I challenged myself to be right on the dot, to feel the moments I was in at any given time and to make pictures that acknowledged them.