I've been fascinated with identical twins ever since my brother and his wife became parents to twin boys. I started this project simply by asking friends if they knew of any twins I might be able to meet and photograph. Word spread, and soon I was quite busy. Every now and then, I'd take a road trip, pull into a small town and ask at the barber shop or diner if any twins lived in town. Many of the twins I photographed claimed to be absolutely alike. They chose to wear the same outfits for their sitting, made similar gestures, and completed each other’s sentences. Even so, as I spent time with these twins, I got caught up in their differences… the slightly lopsided smile of one, the narrowing of the eyes of the other... the air of self confidence of one, the shyness of the other. While spending time with my subjects, I learned a lot about the struggle for identity, defining one’s uniqueness, and finding one’s own voice.